Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Banner for Kidlit 411 Contest

I entered the Kidlit411 Banner contest. It was fun and interesting creating each bird for my design.
Here is my entry.

I did not win but it was a great experience for me to do a collage and illustrate birds in different poses.
Here is the link for the winning entries, Kidlit411 Banner Contest

They are all wonderful and I am proud to be in a group of great talent. I like Hui Li's winning whimsical illustration of birds.

Contests are difficult but they are also a great opportunity for me to learn and push myself to try different things so I think I also won in my own way. Plus I really love what I created. Can't lose with that.

Kidlit411is a great resource for children's literature writers and illustrators. I appreciate all the hard work they do to support our community. This contest was also a great chance for illustrators to do something and showcase their talent so thank you to Kidlit 411 for the opportunity. I hope there will be other chances to do something like that for them.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


I am also on Instagram. I post my sketches, illustration process, works in progress, videos of my works in progress there.
My instagram name: 
 I hope to see you there as well. 


Here is piece I made for SCBWI Draw This for the month of January. The prompt word was Momentum.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Beginning

Welcome to my blog. I am a children's book writer and illustrator. Please  follow me as I tell you my adventures and misadventures as a writer/illustrator.